The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 90: Destruction 10

Music: Voyage To Tomorrow (Hitoshi Sakimoto)

Chapter 90: Destruction 10

More Destruction for us. We need to clear Wave 2-10 so we can free up the four (!!!) protagonists locked behind it.

We need Ryoko and Ei, and we can only have 1st- and 2nd-generation pilots. All right.

In terms of upgrades: Nenji upgrades Rush Attack from +4 to +5, Leap Attack from +3 to +4, Demolisher Blade from +6 to the maximum, +8, and EMP Attractor from +2 to +4. He also buys Limiter Removal and upgrades it to +5, switching out Tackle to make room for it. Limiter Removal’s upgrades just reduce its EP cost, but Nenji is already wrecking house and the EP reduction is worth it.

Hijiyama upgrades Rush Attack from +2 to +4 and Demolisher Blade from +4 to +6.

Ei upgrades Rush Attack from +2 to +4 and Demolisher Blade from +5 to +6.

Juro upgrades Sentry Gun from +6 to the maximum, +8.

Iori upgrades Sentry Gun from +5 to +6, Guardian from +3 to +4, and Shield Emitter from +2 to +4.

Ryoko upgrades Guardian from +3 to +4, Sentry Gun from +5 to +6, and Shield Emitter from +3 to +4. Unfortunately, this leaves us just shy of enough to buy her Hyper Condenser, which lets her place two Sentry Guns at once. Maybe next time.

This looks like a fine team. Let’s roll.

Music: (LYSINE) (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

Between kit like that and a chance to disengage my limiters, my Sentinel would be invincible…

I have all I need. Let them send their machine swarms and their four-legged beasts. I’ll take them all down myself.

Why do you even want extra armor? Isn’t that why you got your defense mode?
You need to pick your equipment based on the situation. If you two want to play hero, do it on your own time.
What’d you say!? You really are tryin’ to start shit, huh?
Don’t lump me in with Ogata. I’m actually serious about winning.
Oh, you don’t think I’m serious, Hijiyama? Do I sound like I’m jokin’ to you?

Video: Destruction Wave 2-9

Right after this fight starts, we’re introduced to some new APSOS units, but nothing beyond that.

It’s a vicious cycle. We’re stuck in an arms race where we can only win by improving our own Sentinels…

It’s not just the shields. Their auto-repair nanotech got a major boost, too.
Seriously? I was just thinking it was weird how long they were lasting…

Having less direct offense isn’t ideal, but if we don’t disable them, they’ll get out of control.
Even then… we’ve already bought a lot of time. It can’t be that long left.
Oh, right… How much more time do we need for this big save-the-world program?

I suppose we’ll find out the answer to Shu’s question in the next wave. Onward, then!

Juro’s Restored Memories skill increases all his stats. Can’t complain about that!

Damn, only an A.

Music: Voyage To Tomorrow (Hitoshi Sakimoto)

We need Shu on the team for this one.

We upgrade Ei’s Demolisher Blade from +6 to +8 and his EMP Surrounding from +3 to +5.

We also buy Ryoko’s Hyper Condenser and upgrade her Sentry Gun from +6 to +8.

We upgrade Natsuno’s EMP Stunner from +2 to +4. her 6 Multi-Launching Rapid Cannons from +1 to +3, her Main Batter Heavy Railgun from +2 to +4, and her Long-Range Missiles from +1 to +3.

Finally, we upgrade Tomi’s 6 Multi-Launching Rapid cannons from +1 to +3 and her EMP Stunner from +0 to +2.

Here’s our team for this wave. Here’s hoping I don’t regret bringing two 3rd-generation Sentinels into a boss wave! Spoiler alert, I will!

Music: The Chills (Yoshimi Kudo)

Uh-oh. She’s acting like the kid who has to go tell her mom she got suspended for swearing during recess. This can’t be good.

It’s well over 90% processed. We’re so close. But there’s a problem… As some of you may know, I’m working from the command ship in orbit. Unfortunately, it’s still on that orbital path… Soon, I’ll be too far from your location. I’ll lose signal, and I won’t be able to communicate. And when that happens… the mainframe processing will be suspended. It’ll be another 850 minutes before I come back from a full orbit. Until I can reestablish a connection, you have to hold on.

Eight-hundred and fifty minutes!? That’s… uh… wait…

Thank you, Juro. Wait, how did you figure that out so quickly? Is there, like, a calculator app in your cockpit?

Anyway, that’s a lotta minutes!

Please, don’t give up hope. Until I get cut off, I promise I’ll do everything I can…


As long as you’re still here… maybe you could sing for us?
…… All right… As long as you can hear my voice, you’ll know I’m still connected.

Music: Seaside Vacation (Composer: Hitoshi Sakimotom Lyricist: Rikako Watanabe, Vocals: Hu Ito)

Video: Destruction Wave 2-10 (You should really watch at least part of this)

I actually included two different takes of this fight, because the first one was really bad and the second one was honestly too good and this wave’s central gimmick didn’t play out all the way. The description below the video should also tell you where to skip to if you just want to see a specific take.

Music: [RIBOSE] (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

Would you losers lighten up already? Everyone’s actin’ like we already lost this!

Never had a brawl that lasted all night. Hell, we might be about to set a new record.
Man… Think we can last until sunrise…?

Poor Ryoko accomplished literally nothing in that fight because she was too far away from everything, oops!

Tomi’s You’re So Reckless! increases her attack against any kaiju that are near Nenji. Awww… :3:

Ei’s Marksman increases his critical hit chance against aerial kaiju.

Sweet, got an S on that second take.

And we got a bonus single for our troubles. Nice!


Well, that’s obviously going to do it for today’s Destruction progression, because we literally can’t do any more! But let’s unlock some Mystery Files while we’re here!

Gross! Really didn’t need that close-up, game!